Best weighted blankets for kids

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What Is A Weighted Blanket?

Weighted blankets are just what they sound like….blankets that are heavy. Weighted blankets are generally filled with poly pellets, but can also be filled with small glass beads for extra weight. Older weighted blankets used beans, rice, and other varieties of weights. Some blankets provide removable weights for easy washing, but the majority do not and depending on the weight can be washed, or may have to be dry cleaned. Others come with another washable, waterproof blanket on top of the weighted portion, but the weighted blanket typically tends to slip around inside, which can be frustrating.

Why Use A Weighted Blanket?

Kiddos (and quite frankly adults) who enjoy deep pressure feel that sleeping under a weighted blanket is like being hugged. This comforting feeling causes a release of dopamine and serotonin and helps a child relax, feel less anxious, and sleep better. The deep pressure of the weight helps calm the entire nervous system….and who doesn’t want to feel calm?

Do All Kids Like Weighted Blankets?

No. And this is why it is important to find one to borrow before purchasing a weighted blanket, as a good blanket is quite expensive. My oldest loves her blanket, but my middle child felt suffocated. He would rather feel squished in his basket or body sock than have a weight all over his body.

What Do I Look For When Buying A Weighted Blanket?

First, it is important to follow some safety guidelines before purchasing a weighted blanket. Because they are heavy, your child should be old enough and independent enough to be able to remove the blanket off their body if need be. Pediatricians recommend a child under 6 should not use one, but it all depends on the size and physical strength of the child. Use your judgement.

A weighted blanket should only be 10% of the users body weight. The bad part is as the child grows, you may need to purchase heavier blankets, which is why some companies offer blankets that you can add on weights.

The most crucial part, in my opinion, is how the blanket is designed. A weighted blanket should be made in which the entire blanket is sewn into small squares. Each square should have the same amount of weight inside. This helps distribute the weight evenly. This even distribution results in the child feeling the same pressure over their entire body. If a weighted blanket does not have these individual squares, the beads will all fall to one corner, causing an uneven distribution, a super heavy corner, and a frustrated child…which is NOT what you want when trying to calm them.

Where Do I Buy A Weighted Blanket?

When I was first looking for a weighted blanket, I ended up searching on FaceBook MarketPlace first. I wanted to try a used one, but ended up finding a local woman who made them. This was perfect because my daughter is also extremely particular about texture and softness of materials and she got to choose the texture, color, size, and weight of the blanket. It did take several weeks for the blanket to be made and shipped, which quite frankly, was a little frustrating. So if you need one NOW, check out these blankets below…

  • Sweetzer & Orange Weighted Blanket for Kids comes in two weights for kids. One side is a winter warm minky cover with nubs, and the other side is a soft breathable summer cotton with a fun design. The weight is evenly distributed in squares on the minky side, providing the right amount of pressure.

  • The YnM Weighted Blanket is another company that offers double stitching for even weight distribution. They use glass beads and their blankets can either be used alone or placed inside one of their duvet covers. Their blankets are machine washable, which is a bonus. They come in a wide variety of weights, sizes, and colors.

  • The Snuggle Pro Weighted Blanket for Kids has blankets with a cool bamboo material on one side, and a warmer nubby minky material on the other. They are easy to wash and comes in 3 weights: 5lbs, 7lbs, and 10lbs. They also use glass beads and comes with a convenient carrying case.

With the buying guidelines I have given, I am sure you will find a weighted blanket that will soothe your child. Check here for more offers:


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