Can sensory processing disorder be cured?

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Will Sensory Processing Disorder Go Away?

The short and simple answer is NO.

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is the way a child’s body is wired from birth, or even before birth. Because of this, it will always, in a sense, be a part of the child’s body. But, with treatment, sensory symptoms can be lessened and some can completely go away. Most kiddos will always have something or more than one thing they struggle with throughout life.

SPD can cause struggles with skills such as writing, ability to concentrate, and other school related accomplishments. Because of this, kiddos can suffer from emotional, social, and academic issues. Their inability to be able to participate in normal activities and understanding social awareness can greatly impact their progress in school and social life. Before a proper diagnosis, kids can be mislabeled as disruptive, “out of control” belligerent, uncooperative, and clumsy. These improper labels can have a great impact on the child’s social and emotional well-being, which can be carried into adulthood. This is why proper treatment and intervention early on is crucial to a child’s success into adulthood. Helping kid find other ways to express their frustration, get their energy out, or understand social cues can make or break a successful adulthood. Improper treatment can result in anxiety, depression, and aggression.

Effective treatment early as a child can help an adult be more successful in marriage, work, and social environments. If not treated, the adults feel like they are living with a handicap that no one understands and is not solvable with medicine. If not aware of SPD, adults suffering may not even understand what is happening and why inside their bodies.

SPD cannot be cured, but symptoms can be treated, causing a happier and more successful adulthood. As a side note, if an adult suspects they have suffered from SPD, there are adult treatment centers that can help with symptoms, just like with kiddos.

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