Trash AND recycle bin storage?

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Double Trash Bin

When we moved from the city to a house in the suburbs, we realized we had to start organizing our trash and recycle better. We first tried having one trash bin under a cabinet and a recycling trash bin in the pantry. Ugh….what a pain to try to keep track which was what. That’s when I found this 35Qt Double Waste Bin that changed the our lives. This double waste bin is from Rev-A-Shelf, which if you know anything about organizing, is what I believe the best company there is. Their products are fairly pricy, but I found this double waste bin to be pretty inexpensive on Amazon. Our cabinets are a tad bit smaller width and depth wise and I struggled to find a double waste basket that would fit. This fit PERFECTLY! And it was easy enough that I installed it myself. This product comes with the 35 quart waste baskets and I labeled them one for ‘trash’ and one for ‘recycle’.  The owners before us had this single waste bin in white, which works well just for trash. But when separating trash and recycling, a double bin is perfect.


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