How can sensory processing disorder affect reading?

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Sensory Processing Disorder and Reading Difficulties

Some children with SPD may also struggle with reading. This can be due to the muscles in their eyes being weak causing misalignment, convergence issues, tracking issues, switching of letters and numbers (b and d; q and p; etc) and other issues. If you notice your child is reading at a lower grade level than their peers, confuses their letters and left from right, loses place while they read, among other things, you may want to investigate Vision Therapy.

What Is Vision Therapy?

Vision therapy is a controversial subject in the vision world and among pediatricians. For example, my pediatrician does not agree with it, thinks it is a fluke science, and did not recommend it for Whitney. However, once I had her tested, saw the results, and saw her progress in just two months….I was convinced it was real.

There is A LOT that goes into vision therapy. But the best way I can explain it is the child’s muscles are weak, do not flow together, and their body does not understand bi-lateral (crossing over the body) movements. Here is a great link to the technical explanation of vision therapy. Please do your own research because I feel I don’t know how to explain the science behind it as well as professionals. The only thing I can attest to is that if your child has eye issues, VISION THERAPY WORKS!!

How Do I Find A Doctor?

If you live in the Boston area, the number one leading doctor in the world is in your area (it’s also who we go to and absolutely LOVE). His name is John M. Abbondanza and he works in Southboro, MA. Here is a link to his office. His website also offers a quiz so you can tell if you think your child may qualify.

If you do not live in the Boston area, here is a link to a doctor search so you can find someone in your area.


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